Thursday, March 1, 2012

NAEA convention


OK when I usually go to a convention I get pens, sticky pads and maybe a stress ball. But every time I turned around they gave you samples of art materials, lesson plans, or had a make and take table.

Look at al of this:


Here are a few pictures from the conventions:



Artist Wyland who creates underwater paintings of whales and more talked about how art education is a core curriculum in school. SAM_0035SAM_0036


SAM_0040Love this display about Egyptian art


SAM_0043 you know my grandfather use to be a house painter and he used roller like this to create wall art like wall paper. I still have the set of these that has the same designs from the 50’s just thought it was interesting that it is coming back into art.

SAM_0044created all by model magic!. While at the crayola exhibit I loved using the window markers they had mirror board that you looked into and traced your face to create a self portrait. I tested out the dry erase crayons which I really liked it worked just like a regular crayon but can be erased from the white board. A new item not out yet is a fabric gel marker that can be used on dark fabric.

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