Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great info.


Two books I am currently reading:

  • Why Our Schools Need the Arts: 0

Great Author site about the importance of art ed. and she writes about many other education topics


Friday, March 11, 2011



Great video I show to start the class: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/audioslideshow/2010/feb/18/work-and-careers

I have the students create quills from large duck feathers.

Students complete a practice page before starting:


Next they create either initials, name or they may create a pen & ink drawing.



Monday, March 7, 2011

google art project


www.googleartproject.com  I really recommend checking out. It is like google earth but in museum format the kids love it. It is a great virtual tour of almost any large museum you can think of and more. I will be going over the different areas and things I like on the tech. blog.


Art Projects: Spring is coming what ideas do you have?

Georgia O’Keefe is what I think of in spring.


This is a flower painted by Georgia O'Keeffe.