I love the color wheel rhyme from the website
Though this week when I tried to access it it was down, so if you read the tech blog I used a archive website to find it. So until it is fixed I am using:
or the old site which I liked the layout better anyways:
You can project it or just print the rhyme, if you have access to a projector the games are nice. I used this rhyme with a handout. Since we always have picture day on Friday with 1st grade. I set this lesson up so they learn something about color without making a mess.
I gave each student a glue stick and after going over the color wheel using the website they glued the colored triangles in the correct order.
Next we finish the rhyme and look through the crayon box to find which colors are dark a shade and light a tint. Then just color what ever way they want into the vin diagram If they find a true color they can color it over the words.
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