Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Artsonia why I use it!

Why I like Artsonia! I have been using Artsonia for the past 6 years and I use it more and more. This year I have my students upload their own art work and write artist statements in the iPad. All they need to do is scan the QR code generated by Artsonia then follow simple steps that are color coded. So even my Kindergarten students can do this. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Autism and the Arts

Autism and arts
Kennedy center for students with disability training for educators with the VSA information and reflections from summer workshops. 

Most usual characteristics for students with Autism and behavioral issues. 
Teachers feel like its trial and error with teaching students with autism due to range of characteristics
people first language
- visual learner thus is why teaching through the arts is successful
- not social with people they push away
- use peripheral vision not direct
- no fear, they don't calculate the danger and are runners 
- not really creative, but are at the same time they are more logical and procedural not conceptual
-are stimulative will tap or move chair to make noise to calm self. don't stop it but redirect it. 

Strategies to the most usual characteristics why tie in the arts? Why is it useful?
- different ways to teach the same idea all students learn a different way. With disabilities autism specifically. Example "Where the Wild Things Are" be a monster individual and cooperative. The ocean is a big part of the book, look at the ocean can do a break away learn about the ocean. Move onto trees break away lesson fir trees. Have a range of games cooperative and individual activities. Start individual lesson, then moving to group. Great for autism for individual and moving them into social learning situation. Building on skills for connection and the arts can do that.
- keep the art room relevant to enviroment. What is going on around weather! season! holiday etc.
-connect movement to visual art. They can be skilled at art however some are not. Get to know strengths and weaknesses. What do they need to work on? What are they good at? 
-Start with a visual procedure. 
-Stations work great the students can start at the drawing station then move to the painting station limited supplies andthis way it is broken into small procedures. 
-limiting choices, such as limit color choice. Some parts of the lesson what must be done then optional choices for students that want to go farther. Tactile problems gave other tools available. Example have clothes pin holding sponge. 
- brain function connections are different than may be first noticed. Nonverbal for example or garbled language it is not most of the  time intellectual problem. It can be sensitivity issue or social issue but the brain function may be very high. Identify the capabilities open and push the strengths and weaknesses. 

-Example one student always had to have a superhero in every art piece. Parents was getting upset and thought it ruined the painting. Adaptation for thus let the student do what they want and appease parent. Decided to have student paint, draw etc superhero separate then added over painting however could be removed. It could also become an interactive piece. 
- some get stuck on the idea even if child had grown from the original need. They don't want to adapt because what they did worked but may not be as effective now. 

Guests to the room comfort level has changed
 -Guests to the classroom or teaching artist comes to school how to handle it. Look at it from what is successful for the students. Have that up front for the person coming in what has been successful what is not. Have strategies ready that has been successful.  Break the barriers by having the students prepared ahead if time what is going to happen, what will be new. Also let them know what will be the same and what is still expected. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Painting 101

I found this and love how it shows the different brushes and what they can do.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Art of Ed great post about assessment ideas check out the rest of this site also

20 Quick Formative Assessments You Can Use TODAY

By Sarah on Oct 18, 2013 12:00 am

We are always looking for a better glimpse inside our students brains. While we are never going to figure out the mysteries of the pre-teen or kindergarten mind, there are some tools to help us understand where they are in their learning journey. Below are 20 simple, quick, effective ways to check on your students and get some real information to plan instruction. As a bonus, kids get in on their own learning and goal setting!



  1. Outcome Sentences – Use when you want to prompt a student to respond in a specific way (I learned…, I wondered…, etc.).
  2. Conga Line – a great way to share ideas with different partners; two lines of students face each other, one line moves with same question or a new one.
  3. Inner/Outer Circle – same as Conga Line except with circles, better for limited spaces
  4. Headlines – after a lesson or lesson segment, have the student write a headline for an article about it. Distills lessons to main ideas and concepts.
  5. PMI: Plus, Minus, Interesting – a matrix graphic organizer to chart class or individual thoughts
  6. Pair-Share – activates prior knowledge or shares learned concepts with partners, can be timed
  7. Paired-Squared – take two Pair-Share partners and share with another group of two
  8. Jigsaw/Experts in Residence – each group becomes an expert on a certain part of the lesson, then debriefs the whole group
  9. Modified Jigsaw/EiR – each group gets a topic within the whole, then has to compile everything they can on that one topic within the whole lesson
  10. Affirmations – turn to a partners and give a positive statement, “I knew that!” or “Now I know!”
  11. 3-2-1 – good closer: three points to remember, two things you liked, one question you still have. –MY FAVORITE!!!
  12. Quick Write/Draw — Given a topic, students write and/or draw freely during a timed period
  13. Gallery Walk – stations with information, participants can write on post-its or directly on the poster with thoughts, comments, or questions
  14. Think-Write-Share – Same as pair-share, but gives students more time to organize their thoughts
  15. Red Card/Green Card – Using red, yellow, and green cards, students can indicate their understanding of the presented material as it happens. (When presenting a particularly challenging technique or concept, I use these cards at each table for students to let me know if they are understanding. They can use them on their own at any time, or I might stop after a key point and ask them to use a card to represent their level or understanding.)
  16. Beach Ball – Concepts are written on a beach ball. As a student catches it, they give a thought or clarify the concept closest to one of their thumbs
  17. Admit/Exit tickets –Students demonstrate understanding in an appropriate way immediately upon entering or before exiting the room. “You exit ticket today is to write the title of your piece on the back.” Or “Your admit ticket to our lesson today is to list three warm colors on the notecard at your table.”
  18. SOS– Students write a quick Statement, an Opinion based on the statement, and finally a Supporting piece of factual evidence.
  19. Poll the Class– Use a simple show of hands, white boards, or even a clicker program, poll the class on foundational knowledge, opinions, or even where they are in their learning.
  20. Grade Yourself– Have students give themselves an in-progress grade, then explain why their work is earning that grade. Give them explicit standards and relevant vocab to use in their explanation.

Is ‘Formative Assessment’ a buzzword at your school?

Name a few other formative assessments you’ve done to quickly check for understanding in the art room. We can’t wait to hear your ideas! 

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

My students local art show

We had a local gallery, Nancy Stamm's Galleria in Carlisle, display several art pieces from each grade.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Common core art


I found this PDF file hike browsing about common core. Has some good information.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

'Mona Lisa' image goes to moon and back

'Mona Lisa' image goes to moon and back: 'Mona Lisa' image goes to moon and back

I was just doing a lesson with my third grade about the Mona Lisa.